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Welcome to Qube Cards™
Welcome to Qube Cards™, the modern and affordable solution to outdated websites and restrictive social media accounts!

Since 2012, we have been providing innovative technologies to solve everyday problems. Our unique 3D digital promotional tool is not only powerful, but also easy to customize. With your Qube, you will be able to reach your followers live, anywhere in the world, at any time of day.

With Qube Cards™, you can easily share hundreds of times more content than a simple social media post, including text, images, audio, videos, and your personal links. What\'s even better is that you will always have the freedom to express yourself and monetize your content without the hassle of censorship and costly maintenance fees.

  • Want to showcase your services, products, or skills in an eye-catching way?
  • Like include all your social media pages, websites, contact info, promotions, and activities in one easily-shareable place?
  • Or maybe you want to quickly post your most recent YouTube videos, Twitter, and Facebook feeds?
  • Need to be sure that prospective companies will download your resume?

Qube Cards™ has got you covered!

Qube Cards™ is the fastest and most effective way to promote yourself or your business, find a new job, or sell your products and services. With your Qube Card, you will stand out.

  • Be Seen
  • Be Heard
  • Be Remembered

Don't miss out on the opportunity to start getting the recognition you deserve. Sign up today and grab your very own Qube Card.

How to view Qube Cards™:

Qubes are compatible with over 3.6 billion mobile devices, laptops, and desktop computers. Download our official Qube-o-dex from the Apple or Google Apps Store, install our convenient Progressive Web App (PWA) by visiting the Qube Cards of your choice, or simply use any modern web browser for a fully interactive app experience.

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When viewing from your computer, Qube Cards™ require JavaScript to be enabled within an updated Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Opera web browser. (This is not required if you are using our native iOS or Android apps.)

Set your browser zoom to 100%:

The 3D interface of Qube Cards™ was designed to be viewed in a web browser that is set to 100% zoom. If the interface does not look/operate correctly, please check your browser's zoom level. (Or simply install our native iOS or Android apps for your smartphone or tablet!)

Terms & Conditions

The official Qube Cards™ terms & conditions and privacy policies can be found here.


Lionel Who??


Lionel Wayne Poizner, P. Eng. P. Log


Hello my friend and thanks for visiting and checking out my Qube.

I often get a lot of questions as I meet new people and I decided to use this Qube as a way of answering all the most commonly asked questions that I seem to get.

Think of this Qube as the "Everything you ever wanted to know about Lionel but were afraid to ask!"

Ok; well maybe that is a bit of a stretch but if your questions about me are not actually answered here directly I can assure you that you will find the resources to get those answers listed within the Qube.

Think of this Qube as my central Hub. It is my archive or repository of everything that is "Lionel"

I have consolidated all of my social media, my businesses, my community work my personal interests/hobbies and even my family. All in one place.

If I have given you access to my Qube, it is because I want to know you and I am hoping you will want to get to know me better too.

This Qube is my mobile app. It is my business card, and my personal Flyer. It is my journal and my schedule. It is my catalogue, my resume, and my storybook I suppose in some ways you could consider it as my headquarters and communication center. It is all of this rolled up into one 6 sided QUBE.

Based on my life experience I wholeheartedly believe that life is too short to spend it doing boring things. I love people, and I love adventure.

I have a strong empathy for my fellow man and nothing gives me greater satisfaction then to know I have made a difference in someone's life.

I hope you will accompany me on this journey we call life.

My Worst Day

The Baby Lionel

You may have heard me talk about my rather "bulky" medical past and you are probably wondering what I was talking about. 
Well as an infant I got a very high fever and bad infection. I am told by my dad that they did not think I would survive... They were wrong ... I was a tough little dude .. <grin>
Then again in March, 1980 at age 19 I was stuck in a hospital room at the Sick Children’s Hospital.  I was just finishing high school grade 13 (Yup there was a grade 13 back then). My mom and dad were sick with worry.
They were with me as the doctor explained that I was diagnosed with a condition called ...
Aplastic Anemia
So much for my superpowers ... You want to talk about your bad day! 
The fact that you are visiting my Qube obviously means I survived that as well. I was treated in Toronto at the Princess Margaret Hospital and most of the friends I met during my treatment have long since passed.
I was reading the news the other day and found out the doctor that treated me during this tough time of my life was retiring. 
Dr. Messner
I was the 16th patient that he treated with my condition and without his hard work and my sisters bone marrow donation I would not be here today.
This was a very difficult time in my life and it taught me many life lessons that most folks do not learn at such a young age.
As the saying goes "What does not kill us makes us stronger" so stronger I became!

Life has it's ups and it's downs and I would not want you to think I am a negative type of person. So maybe you are wondering about some of my best days ... 🙂


The Highlights

Graduating Engineering

mom photo with me at graduation

This was a long time coming. I started my engineering studies 2 years into the recovery of my long illness in 1982. Unfortunately I kind of had a relapse and wound up dropping out of the program. It took another 3 years for my health to stabilize and then I resumed work and started to think about resuming my studies.

It was not until the mid 1990's that I decided it was time to return and get my degree. In 2000 I actually graduated and it was a wonderful day!


My 2nd Wedding!

Life has its ups and downs but overall I was pretty lucky. I met a wonderful woman in the Philippines during one of my many trips to Asia for work. She was a single mom and ultimately we were married.

Add water and stir and poof instant family! Wow, did you know that wives and teenage daughters do not come with operating instructions or a pause button? ... Who would have thought!

Well we are divorced now but to this very day this marriage and my wonderful daughter are the best thing that ever happened to me and I would not change a thing! I got adopted by a wonderful (and rather large) extended family and I got a beautiful daughter out of the deal as well.

What Money?

My career has spanned almost 40 years and I have a great deal of experience in many different areas.

I have traveled and sourced products world wide and arranged for their import and distribution into the Canadian market.

I have been fortunate to have worked for both large corporations and new start-ups in both the public and private sectors.

I love to leverage technology and I get much satisfaction from helping my clients achieve new levels of efficiency and profitability in their business.

My career has had it's ups and downs. We had a family business that serviced the manufacturing industry. The business had to be closed as eventually more and more of our manufacturers moved their production out of Canada to other countries.

My income was interrupted, I owned real estate and could not afford to pay the mortgages. Needless to say I lost my properties and wound up with a consumer proposal that I had to pay off to avoid bankruptcy.

I learned a lot from this experience and if I can prevent this same thing from happening to any of my friends, family or clients then I will consider my career and my life a big success.

Zig Zag career Path

My career got off to a rough start. As you may already know I got very sick in my final year of High school, Once my recovery was complete I started my working career.

I experimented with a number of different jobs. I worked in retail, tried sales, worked in the computer field, tried several of my own businesses and eventually decided to return to university and get my engineering degree.

At this point in my life I am an experienced Event Producer and promoter. I have run both corporate events, charity events, and recreational events. I am an experienced Professional Engineer that is committed to efficiency, productivity and providing top quality to my clients.

I am a hands on manager that can manage technical and administrative teams as well as get the job done on my own when required.

As a supply chain professional I understand how best to plan, produce and manage events, projects, teams, and businesses.


Qube Cards

A state-of-the-art digital marketing tool that helps companies and individuals promote their brand, communicate with their customers, and increase sales. 

Six reasons why you should consider a new Qube as part of your marketing strategy

1. Cheaper than printed materials & mobile apps.

2. Never run out when you need them the most.

3. The easiest way to share everything. anytime any place with any one.

4. Plenty of space for it all.

5. Never out dated. Always up to date, Always grabs & keeps attention.

6. Makes YOU, Your Brand & Your Business STAND OUT from the rest.

You only have ONE chance to make the best first impression. Don't let your competitors get a qube before you do. A state-of-the-art digital marketing tool that gives you, your brand and your business an edge.

Top Prize Events


An event management and production company which offers brand new event experiences for its clients, prizes and sponsors, and other creative solutions for subsidizing event costs and increasing event attendance.

Discount Shipping Storage & Logistics Network

A VAMP targeted to the logistics and supply chain industry, providing software and services that help companies in this sector improve their efficiency, save money, and boost their profitability.

Vacation Property OWNERS Rental Association

A VAMP targeted to the vacation rental Industry providing software and services that help property owners save time and money, and rocket their rental earnings.

Music Media Entertainment Group

A VAMP targeted to the Independent Music Industry which supplies original software and services to help musicians, bands, venues, and production staff manage their events, protect their intellectual properties, and increase their revenue.

Makes Me Smile

Do you like to help people? Are you community minded? 

If you answered yes to both these questions then we should probably hang out.

If you have gone through my Qube you already know I have gone through some difficult and very challenging times. Well these experiences change you and as a result I learned at an early age what community was all about.

My community work started pretty early. I used to help my grandmother and my mom when they had their charity events. 

As a teen my mom who was a teacher used to invite her senior students to our house for a BBQ and provide extra help to the students that needed it during the school year. I was the one that manned the BBQ at these little events.

As my grandparents aged I found myself helping them look after things at the house. I did some of the bookkeeping and even helped with the landscaping.

Later on I got interested in events and started to do work for the arts community. in 2003 I hosted a massive art show in downtown Toronto. It was amazing. 60,000 sq ft of art valued at almost $30,000,000. We raised money for the community and helped new and emerging artists get exposure. 

Even now I love to hold events that benefit various charities or social causes.

In 2017 I developed an interest in politics. 

As a born and raised Canadian Citizen I have seen our elected members of parliament vote in policies and laws that are in direct conflict with the wants and needs of their constituents.

We elect them, they are supposed to represent us, and yet they vote as instructed by the leaders of their respective parties.

I still have not figured out how this is even legal! It totally defeats the democratic process.

As a consumer the cost of hydro, and gas  made it tough to keep up with the bills at both my home and my business.
In fact between high property taxes, increased loan interest payments, the loss of my job and price increases due to inflation I found myself going through a financial melt down. Does any of this sound familiar?
Well since then I have run as a candidate in two provincial elections. Wow talk about a learning experience.
I have a registered provincial political party called the Party for People with special needs and I am in the process of building a new Federal party called the United Reform Party. 
Listed bellow are some of the projects that I have worked on or created as part of my interests in politics the community. I hope you will take some time to check them out and perhaps support me in my efforts to help those in need.

Party For People with Special Needs Ontario

Party For People With Special Needs Ontario

A provincially registered political party designed to highlight and bring attention to the special needs of its constituents in the province of Ontario. They help to empower special needs children and adults, and to ensure that our veterans can access the full range of benefits available to them.

United Reform Party Canada

For a united and safe Canada today. For a sustainable and prosperous Canada tomorrow! Learn more about us, and how we are making our beautiful nation better for ALL Canadians.

United CANDIDATES Association

An association that was designed to provide full-feature support to people and organizations participating in Canadian politics. They develop custom technology that will help campaign coordinators throughout the entire process.

Mobile Activist

An online tool designed to gather relevant data from constituents on the issues they feel are important to them, and to automatically pass this information to the key stakeholders in government who are empowered help to make change.


My Resources

I have learned over the years that some times we just need a little bit of help. Some times when you are immersed in a problem it is hard to see your way out. Well the resources posted here are the ones I have used or developed that helped me the most to grow, build and protect my business. I would encourage you to check them out.

Good Luck and I hope to hear from you very soon! Have a great day and thanks for visiting my QUBE!

Start/Save Your Business

30 Millionaire Entrepreneurs Reveal Their Day To Day “To Do’s” For Taking Their Business From Dead
Broke To Success... In Just 30 Days!

Promote/Market Your Business


Six reasons why you should consider a new Qube as part of your marketing strategy 

1. Cheaper than printed materials & mobile apps.

2. Never run out when you need them the most.

3. The easiest way to share everything. anytime any place with any one.

4. Plenty of space for it all.

5. Never out dated. Always up to date, Always grabs & keeps attention.

6. Makes YOU, Your Brand & Your Business STAND OUT from the rest. 

A state-of-the-art digital marketing tool that helps companies and individuals promote their brand, communicate with their customers, and increase sales. 

Turbocharge Your Business

More Leads, More Customers, More Sales!

"What Would You Do With An Extra 10, 100, or 1,000 New Leads Per Day!?!"
Join The "5 Day Lead Challenge" (FOR FREE) And Learn How To "Turn-On" An Endless Stream Of Hot Leads For Your Business! 

Protect Your Business & Income

The Edge Benefits is the number 1 provider of flexible benefit plans for the Canadian self-employed and small business market. From income protection to Health & Dental plans, and everything in between, They make insurance simple and affordable.. Take the Business Wellness Survey to

Auto Support Desk

An automated tool used by customer support staff to help them offer streamlined, simplified, and improved customer service to their clients.

Our Legal Pages

A state-of-the-art tool used by companies to rapidly create and administer their legal documentation required to protect their online identities and fulfill international legal requirements.

Contact Me

Lionel W. Poizner